Moving towards your goal, but wondering what's going wrong? Read below to know what holds the priority in your life:

1. The first thing in the morning that you should avoid is opening your mailbox or clicking on any social media sites. Morning time is the most valuable part of your whole day. So, save the time as your brain functions seamlessly after you wake up. Book the morning slot with the critical tasks or the most beneficial tasks. That’s precisely what the leading businessmen do.

2. Set your “heroic move.” Set the powerful physical pose that you can do at your office or any workplace at your own pace of intervals to boost your energy and brings back your mental concentration. Even science supports this theory.

3. Don't hold grudges. Forgive even those who you think are not supposed to be forgiven ever. This way, you are helping yourself because you cannot walk carrying a heavy weight on your back for too long.

4. The bigger your team: faster you fulfill your dream. You can’t touch the zenith of perfection or rank the high-class brands if you’re sitting with uncivilized people.

5. Once in your life, read “Peak” written by Anders Ericsson.

6. Make sure to set your feet out into nature once a day. It has a positive benefit on your mind, health, heart, and soul.
7. Stop pushing yourself hard every time. You’re a human. Your soul is a kid. Everyone has their own gifts, flaws, and perfection. We have our own fears, hopes, and feelings. You and I are just the work in progress of the one sitting above GOD! Just celebrate your existence, also respect the work that you’ve done till now instead of pressurizing yourself for perfection.

8. Plan your whole Sunday with minute details. Now that you’ll have a perfect blueprint in your hand, you don’t have to make various decisions. This will further save your time and energy and will help you accomplish the task in the priority list.

9. Let go of the filthy relationships in your inner-circle. It takes away your happiness. Every aim and a peaceful life depends on this basic decision.

10. Be the first to travel. When we travel, we are the zenith of creativity, thousands of ideas keep flowing in our mind without a pause. It unleashes the creativity stuck in you.

11. Keep a good judgment and perspective about everything. Okay, let’s be an old school on this. But we are living where we over-share things. People put pictures of themselves where they are in Pajamas, share their personal details on YouTube or Facebook and don’t respect boundaries on the social media platforms. Be the contrarian.

12. Breathe. Take long, deep breaths. While working, take one or two minutes for practicing breathing meditation.

13. Drink 5-6 liters of water a day. To add flavor, you can add fresh lemon and ginger tea to it.

14. Write down five rituals every day. And, when by the end of the night, you check mark all the tasks in your list, trust me you’ll get a heavenly feeling. By the end of a month, you’ll have 150 accomplished tasks. You can imagine the impact when you do this for a year.

15. Don’t forget to read the most fascinating book “What Doesn’t Kill Us” by Scott Carney.

16. Also, buy that magical book “Into The Magic Shop” by James Doty & give it a full read.

17. Get an utmost of 8 hours sleep. You need to sleep to perform tasks with full enthusiasm and creativity. Enough sleep is a must for your health and mind.

18. Don’t think about the downfall of your life as a major setback, instead, keep a philosophy where your mind eventually receives a setback as a positive event turning you strong as an individual.

19. Make your own dream room where you will have zero devices to distract you. Spend some part of your day here to clear your mind of the dirt.

20.Spend your alone time. Solitude makes you respect your individuality.